Rockford Industrial Area Revival Project - Moderated newsgroup   >   Motor Drives and Controls   >   Square d NA361000 na-361000 i-line na 1000 amp 1000A a

Square d NA361000 na-361000 i-line na 1000 amp 1000A a

Square d NA361000 na-361000 i-line na 1000 amp 1000A a

From: Lacy Duke
Subject Square d NA361000 na-361000 i-line na 1000 amp 1000A a
Each Square D I-Line 1000 Amp Breaker is in Great Condition both Externally and Internally and has very little use.
If you need more photos, I can send them to you. If you have any questions, I will do my best to answer them. Please be as specific as you can.
Our business has been in operation for over 20 years.
Contact: (Lacy Duke)

Square d NA361000 na-361000 i-line na 1000 amp 1000A a