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Blacksmith tools anvil hammer swage block forge lessons

Blacksmith tools anvil hammer swage block forge lessons

From: Marva Moody
Subject Blacksmith tools anvil hammer swage block forge lessons
This is a manual of instruction in all the essential elements of blacksmithing … ideal for use in a school program, for self teaching, refining skills or filling in those missing skills you never got around to developing, or just as a ready reference for those parts of blacksmithing one is called on to do infrequently.
Simply put, this manual takes you from not knowing what iron is to being able to forge, weld, shape and sculpt metal into most anything one would commonly need from nails to plows to hinges, with good knowledge of the metal properties and treatment needed for each kind of product you might create.
As an introduction to blacksmithing, or for a serious smith who wants to fill out their skill set to be more robust and professional, this is ideal, in either case.
You can read the detailed content pages further down this page.
I have been around metals, smithing, and metal working my entire life and still found new techniques and fundamentals both that were clarified nicely by this publication.
As the Brits say “bloody good show guvnah” … indeed this is well done.
The diversity herein ranges from how to best coat repaired wood on wheels to exactly how to weld a share to a plow or such.
Step by step how to that really is accurate and useful. What a concept!
This is THE way to learn smithing, and should be a standard for all schools and self instruction everywhere.
A near perfect mix of good concept instruction with very detailed step by step how to build each project. Perfect.
Tad (my husband) took up smithing as a hobby 4 years ago and converted our old garage into a smithy shop. He has been learning and making projects now very nicely for the last two years that are impressive such as a replacement wagon wheel for an old wagon and a wrought iron gate for our driveway. At least I am impressed. After reading this and following the practices in the book I was able to make our daughter an even more delightful wrought iron gate for their drive! My husband is in shock, our daughter love it, and we are now together in the shop having great fun.
My brother bought me this CD and I carefully printed out each lesson and used the forge a neighbor has to practice, and was amazed (as was my blacksmith neighbor) at how fast I progressed to be able to make an antique replicate plow for a museum. I love this. Oh, and I lost 20 pounds in the process. This is better than a workout at the gym!
User friendly PDF file format, the CD is Microsoft Windows 95/98/2000/NT/ME/XP as well as MAC compatible.
In CD ROM format, you can easily enlarge the contents of the pages on your computer screen to see more details and with better clarity.
you can also print out select pages of text and pictures as needed for your particular project you are working on.
If for whatever reason you need to return the cd you purchased, please email us to make arrangements for return of the cd within 7 days after you received the cd.
Contact: (Marva Moody)

Blacksmith tools anvil hammer swage block forge lessons