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New cub cadet lawn mower tractor restoration guide

New cub cadet lawn mower tractor restoration guide

From: Johnnie Townsend
Subject New cub cadet lawn mower tractor restoration guide
Original Farmall Cub and Cub Cadet Restorer's Guide
Restoring your favorite tractor to its original condition is a task that many undertake to increase the collectibility of their tractor. It can also be quite a daunting task to make sure that everything, down to the decal set, is exactly the same as when it was new.
This book provides the information , along with hundreds of photos, you need to restore your Cub and Cub Cadet tractors. The detailed text includes hard-to-find information on the development and design of each model, with all the relevant information on implements, improvements, serial numbers, dates, codes, engines and carburetors.
Includes serial numbers chart by model with years of manufacture , diagrams , factory drawings , decal placement , instructions for factory paint and finish of individual parts and much more. This book covers the tractors , riding mowers and lawn tractors listed below . Models built before 1963 are not covered.
Numbered Cub Lo-Boys 154 , 185 , 184
The Original Cub Cadet Tractor
Cub Cadets 71 , 102 , 122 , 123
Cub Cadets 72 , 104 , 105 , 124 , 125
Cub Cadets 73 , 106 , 107 , 126 , 127 , 147
Cub Cadets 86 , 108 , 109 , 128 , 129 , 149 , 169
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Contact: (Johnnie Townsend)

New cub cadet lawn mower tractor restoration guide