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5-2-1 compressor saver® csr-U2 hvac r

5-2-1 compressor saver® csr-U2 hvac r

From: Robyn Cannon
Subject 5-2-1 compressor saver® csr-U2 hvac r
• Do your lights sometimes dim ?
• Does your TV screen flicker ?
• Does the compressor sound like its laboring to start ?
• Do your circuit breakers sometimes trip ?
• Does your computer restart on its own ?
• Do you hear strange noises coming from your A/C unit ?
“The compressor on your Air Conditioner consumes more power on start up than any
Starting up is the hardest time in the life of any type of electrical equipment. Ever notice
that light bulbs almost always burn out when you first turn them on and not while they are
on? This is due to the huge current that rushes in when a switch is thrown & power is first
The compressor on your Air Conditioner consumes more power on start up than any other
device in your home. A compressor may consume 45,000 watts of power while the motor is
trying to start-TEN times more power than it uses while running. The large burner on an
electric stove only consumes approximately 2,000 watts on high. In-rush current can damage
the compressor’s motor & that motor may start up more than 6,000 times in a single cooling
A 5-2-1 COMPRESSOR SAVER® significantly reduces the amount of time your compressor
is on high amp start-up. Some top-of-the-line A/C units come from the factory with 5-2-1
technology built in. Now you can have a 5-2-1 COMPRESSOR SAVER® installed in your A/C
The 5-2-1 COMPRESSOR SAVER® uses a powerful multi-layer starting capacitor and a smart
switch to give your compressor the boost it needs to start up quickly, more reliably, draw less
power and save you money, too.
The cost of a 5-2-1 COMPRESSOR SAVER® is a fraction of the cost of replacing a compressor
damaged by hard starts. It could add years to the life of your compressor and other electrical
components associated with your A/C system. Call or ask today about a Special Offer on a 5-2-1
If you are unsure about your specific appliation please consult a technician.
Special order parts information:
We have spent over 20 years in the Air Conditioning and Refrigeration industry including I.A.Q. (Indoor Air Quality). If you're looking for a specific part for a piece of equipment please don't hesitate to drop us an email at with as much information as possible. Details like part numbers, dimensions and photos if possible will help speed up the process. We specialize in the hard to find and special order items and if we can't get it for you more then often then not we will let you know where you can find it.
We have access to many other items and if you don't see just what you need let us know and we'll be happy to list the item for you.
* In the event you have a problem once you recieve your item we will do everything in our power to resolve the issue.
* Please conduct your self accordingly when contacting us about a purchase you've made.
* Phone: (***)-248-0817 Monday - Friday / From 9:00AM - 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time
* Email: (24/7/365) All emails answered as quickly as possible.
Special Part and Bulk Requests:
Contact: (Robyn Cannon)

5-2-1 compressor saver® csr-U2 hvac r